Membership Information
English Membership
French Membership
Membership fees are for one year, starting on January 1. They are renewable each January 1 thereafter.
Memberships taken after November 1st may be put forward to January, with voting privileges starting at that time. However, your farm listing may be added to the website membership immediately.
If fees are not paid by March 31, your name will be removed from the membership page listings on the website.
Please fill out the membership form and mail along with $25.00 for annual fees, payable to:
Alternatively, you can email the application form and etransfer the fees.
e-transfer [please use answer code: DORPER]
When submitting your membership fees, please take a moment to write a brief profile of your operation to be posted on the website. This will assist people, who are looking for Dorpers, in getting to know you.