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Introducing New 4H Sponsorship Program

Are you a 4H member showing a dorper sheep? please go to Link and resources to find the applicationn form. 





Canadian Sheep Federation


We've put together a brief summary of the key points from the US Small Ruminant Rule, with links to the regulatory text.

The full rule can be found here:

Live Animals

An importer would have to submit with the application for an import permit for sheep and goats.

• For sheep and goats imported from Canada for purposes other than immediate slaughter or restricted feeding for slaughter, the importer would have to provide documentation showing that the animals have reached and maintained certified status in a scrapie flock certification program that has been evaluated and approved by the Administrator. Canada’s Scrapie Flock Certification Program has been evaluated, and it has been determined that farms who have achieved Level Certified Plus on the SFCP meet this requirement. []

• Permits will be issued by the Administrator (APHIS) for sheep of certain classical scrapie-resistant genotypes (as determined by the NVSL or other APHIS approved lab). This includes female sheep of genotype AARR and male sheep of genotypes AARR and AAQR. []

• Imported sheep and goats have to be permanently identified with a country mark using a means and in a location on the animal approved by the Administrator, but they did not specify any particular method of identification. Official ear tags will be required for imported animals but do not meet the country mark requirement. Tattoos are expected to meet the country mark identification requirement. []


Sheep and goat embryos or oocytes from Canada can only be imported for transfer to females in flocks listed in the National Scrapie Database, or to an APHIS-approved storage facility where they may be kept and later transferred to recipient females in a flock that is listed in the National Scrapie Database. []

For in vivo-derived sheep and goat embryos and oocytes from Canada, the health certificate must include additional declarations stating that the embryos or oocytes were collected, processed, and stored in accordance with the requirements in § 98.3 ( , and, for in vivo-derived sheep embryos only, that the embryo is of either of the scrapie-resistant genotypes, AARR or AAQR, based on official testing of the parents or the embryo.

Additional certificate requirements for embryos []:

• For sheep embryos that are not of either genotype, sheep embryos that are in vitro-derived and all goat embryos:

o TSEs of sheep and goats are compulsorily notifiable;

o A classical scrapie awareness, surveillance, monitoring, and control system is in place;

o TSE-affected sheep and goats are killed and completely destroyed; and

o The feeding of meat-and-bone meal of ruminant origin has been banned and effectively enforced in the whole country.

• Have been kept since birth in flocks in which no case of classical scrapie had been confirmed during their residency;

• Are permanently identified to enable traceback to their flock of birth or herd of origin, and the identification is recorded on the certificate accompanying the embryos and linked to the embryo container identification;

• Showed no clinical sign of classical scrapie at the time of embryo or oocyte collection; and

• Have not tested positive for, and are not suspect for, a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy.


Sheep and goat semen from any part of the world to be imported into the United States []:

• The donor animals must be permanently identified to enable traceback to their establishment of origin;

• They have been kept since birth in establishments in which no case of scrapie has been confirmed during their residency;

• They neither showed clinical signs of scrapie at the time of semen collection nor developed scrapie between the time of semen collection and the export of semen to the United States; and

• The dam of the semen donor is not, or was not, affected with scrapie.

Sheep and goats transiting the United States (from Canada to Mexico)

Sheep or goats that meet the entry requirements for immediate slaughter in § 93.405 may transit the United States in accordance with § 93.401 regardless of their intended use in the receiving country. []

• 93.405 []

• 93.401 []


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